Chapter 2
Si opened the closet door and saw Darth Maul’s various cloaks and outfits. Most were black, but some were a deep brown or dark gray. She saw his belts held on a belt rack, and his different pairs of boots neatly lined up in a row on the floor. She saw that although his clothes took up three-fourths of the closet space, he had obviously made a considerable area for her things.
There were a few boxes piled on the bed. When Si opened them, they were filled with clothes. She looked at the long gowns with a careful eye as she hung them in the closet. They were of fine craftsmanship, made recently, and all had her specific measurements. They were of different colors and styles, some with short sleeves, some with long, and a few were strapless. There were also some travel cloaks and long jackets. At the very end of the line were three dressing robes and four nightgowns. They were of varied thickness and color.
After shutting the closet door, Si went over to the dresser. It was made of black polished wood and had solid brass handles that gleamed beautifully. She opened the top drawer and almost laughed out loud. The entire space was filled to brimming with nothing but slinky black men’s thongs. They were of different materials and textures but all were definitely the same style.
Just because she felt brave enough to do so, Si picked up a thong and flung it across the room by its elastic band. It flew through the air for a few feet before hitting the wall and falling on a small side table. Si picked it up and noticed the door to the bathroom. She remembered Maul said it had been prepared for her. She wondered what he had meant. His hygienic needs were not that different from hers. When she opened the door, she finally realized what he had meant.
There was a bouquet of dried flowers arranged in a basket on top of the toilet, and she smelled potpourri in the air. She could tell the room used to be all black, but it had been feminized by a few light red towels. There was a new red cup for water, a red soap dish next to one of the two sinks, holding bars of red soap in the shape of stars, and a red toothbrush in a small red holder next to a black holder that held another toothbrush, this one black. The black toothbrush had never been used, but Si could tell it had been there awhile. It was slightly dusty, and the bristles were curling with age.
She walked back to the dresser to return the underwear to its place, and opened the second drawer. This one was obviously hers. It held some smaller boxes which, when opened, revealed silk panties and bras, and, surprisingly, a few slinky red teddies.
She undressed out of her old, ragged orange tunic and tan leggings and took a steamy bath. Afterwards, while drying her hair, she took out one of the nightgowns from the closet. Si slipped it over her head and the soft silky folds of the garment fell to the floor. It felt good against her damp skin.
She noticed the mess she had made when tossing her discarded clothes on the ground. She quickly gathered them and threw them in a corner, out of site. Feeling a draft on her shoulders, Si realized how thin the straps of the outfit were. She felt a bit immodest, and hearing Maul’s heavy footsteps outside the door, she quickly jumped into the right side of the bed and threw the covers over herself. It was just in time, too, because at that moment he opened the bedroom doors and shut them noiselessly behind him.
Any nervousness that Si felt was not present in Maul. He seemed not to care any way or another what she saw, and effortlessly threw off his clothes to reveal a fit, muscular, black body. The design on his body was the same as on his head. The design led in a V shape down his chest to his navel. There was red over black on his hands and feet, and the sign of the Sith was tattooed directly on his left buttocks.
Maul tossed his clothes in the same corner where Si’s things lay, and walked unabashedly to the dresser, where he opened the top drawer and drew out a clean thong to wear. After putting it on, he strolled over to the other side of the bed and climbed in. He said nothing, and made no indication that he realized Si was there. He simply turned out the light and went to sleep.
When Si Tingiri awoke the next morning, Darth Maul was gone and there was a tray standing next to her. On it was the most delicious breakfast she had ever smelled. There was also an envelope with her name on it. She picked it up and opened it. Inside was a letter.
Maul After reading the letter, Si stuffed it back in the envelope and started to eat her breakfast. It tasted as delicious as it smelled. There were waffles, pancakes, and scrambled eggs. When she was done, she took the tray to the living room. She noticed her three handmaidens waiting anxiously on the couch. When they saw her enter the room, they jumped up joyfully and rushed to her side.
“Oh Si, we missed you terribly! It must have been horrible in that cell,” Da’ie exclaimed.
“Oh, here, let me take that. Now don’t you worry, Si, we’re going to take care of you now,” Ti’ie said, taking the tray from Si.
“Now sit down, and tell us everything!” Jun’ie remarked, dragging Si to the couch. “How did you ever come to be in the ownership of Darth Maul?”
“Well, he didn’t really give me a choice,” Si answered.
“How awful!” exclaimed Ti’ie, after putting the tray in the hall for the kitchen help to retrieve.
“Well you know, I really don’t mind. I don’t feel it’s servitude. I’ll just be the same old person I was before, and he said he would treat me very well,” Si explained to her anxious handmaidens. “Now I don’t want you all to worry about me one bit, so why don’t you make yourselves useful. Go fetch me something loose and comfortable to wear. I have to go to the training room in a half hour, and you three should also put something more comfortable on than those rags from the laundry room. I think Darth Maul put some nice clothes out for you in the servants’ quarters. I’ve got to tie up my hair,” Si went straight to the bathroom and shut the door behind her.
Ti’ie, Jun’ie, and Da’ie frantically scurried about the room, tidying it up and arranging pillows and things for their mistress. They were so glad to be in her service again, they wanted everything to be perfect. Ti’ie went to Si’s closet and took out a loose pair of black pants, a black sash, and a white tank top. Si walked out of the bathroom with her hair tied in a tight ponytail with a black hair band and a black scarf tied around it for decoration. She stripped off her clothes in front of her handmaidens and changed into the training outfit. She wasn’t shy around the servants because they had all known one another since they had been ten years old. The maids were the same age as she.
After examining herself in the mirror, Si grabbed her black cloak from the closet and set out for the training room. The handmaidens were now dressed in long black dresses with hoods that covered their faces completely. They trailed behind Si in one long procession that would make anyone stop and stare.
When the foursome arrived, Si handed her cloak to Jun’ie and went to stand next to Darth Maul. Darth Sidious was across from them, and stared at the two from beneath his cloak hood.
“Hello, my master,” Si bowed to Sidious slowly, grumbling to herself under her breath. She still did not forgive the old man for locking her up.
“I see you still have ill feelings toward me. I can feel your anger rising within you,” Sidious said all-knowingly.
“I have no love to show for someone who would forget about me as soon as look at me. Why have I been called here?”
“We want to see if your skills are still usable,” he said the last word with a sneer, implying that if Si could no longer fight, she would no longer live.
She knew exactly what he meant, and intended to prove she had as much ability to kill a man as an assassin droid. Catching Maul by surprise, she grabbed his arm and flipped him to the ground. He quickly jumped up into a fighting stance, but before he could strike, Si dropped to one knee and swept a foot under his. He fell to the ground, and before he could react, she was straddling his chest with her legs, pinning his arms to the ground. He just lay there, looking into her beautiful hazel eyes. She had beaten him. His quick mind began processing the pleasures this could bring in the bedroom. Sidious only stood to the side and laughed.
“So, I see you can still beat Darth Maul in a fair fight, but the question is, could you do it if the odds were not in your favor?”
“What are you proposing? That I fight an armed man without my lightsaber?”
“Why not? It sounds like a fair idea to me,” Sidious walked to the far wall and sat in his chair, making himself comfortable. “You can let him up now.”
Si let go of Maul’s arms and walked to the weapons table. She picked up her silver lightsaber and tossed it to him. He snatched it in midair and turned it on. The familiar hum of the white beam could be heard as Maul advanced on Si. She got in her fighting stance with fists ready, and legs parted. As soon as he swung at her, she ducked. The next time, he aimed at her feet, and she jumped over the beam. As soon as she landed back on the ground, she leapt over Maul’s head and landed behind him. He turned around and was caught by surprise by her foot. She kicked him in the face and managed to chip one of his horns. That made him really angry. Giving her a growl and narrowing his eyes menacingly, he swung the blade at her, proceeding towards her and forcing her back against a wall. He winked at her, and loosened his grip, giving her a chance to grab the saber from him. Si quickly pushed Maul to the floor. She held the handle against his throat and began to choke him.
From the corner of the room, Sidious was clapping his hands and laughing. Si let go of Maul and left him there, choking and gasping for breath. Sidious got up from his chair and walked over to the girl.
“I don’t need to see any more. I am certain you are ready for your first mission. Maul, take her to your chambers and wait there until I call for you. We will discuss it then.”For disclaimer, see chapter 1.
Good morning my slave,
Be prepared for the most painful day of your life. My master will be testing your skills to be sure you are still the fighting master you were before. Get dressed and be ready in one hour.