Purple is the color of blueberries.
Frog is a four-letter word.
Toenails are worth more than money.
I see only one shoe on the road.
Freedom is only an image.
Dirt can fall down from the sky.
Watermelon is just a bad dream.
I sank 'til the mud was knee-high.
I ate a smoked turkey sandwich.
Then I spit out all the pits.
I like to splurge on ashtrays.
I watch the sunset from a ditch.
Let's all play hopscotch tomorrow.
I think I will grow out my hair.
They went to the bank to get money.
My eyebrows are no longer there.
Purple is the color of blueberries.
Frog is a four-letter word.
Best friends are worth more than money.
I am one lonely girl on the road.