Worth It
I no longer feel I don't deserve I no longer pray for an end to my I no longer hold razor blades to my flesh Now I know how wonderful I look in a mirror I am not vain I'm just as importantI don't believe I'm perfect
I don't believe I'm flawless
But I also don't believe I'm worthless
the body I have
the blood in my veins
the air in my lungs
guilt and self-loathing
then chicken out
then further berate myself for not having
the guts to go through with it
and precious
my life is
Every day I feel alive and happy
and I like what I see
I treasure every mark
every mole
every freckle on my face
every hair on my head
I am not conceited
I do not have an over-inflated view
of myself
I don't believe I'm prettier than anyone
better than anyone
more important than anyone
as everyone else
I feel my own worth
and that is a fantastic way to live