Let Us Consider

Let us consider
Let us regard
Let us examine
Let us think hard

Before we take
This innocent live
Let us consider
If it's truly right

We do not require
The life of this one
So let us consider
Before we go on

Let us consider
Before we condemn
The soul of this child
To oblivion

Is it justified
To take a young child
And send him to
Hell's fiery exile?

Are we justified?
Tell me this, are we right?
Let us consider
Let us scrutinize

Let us consider
I want my conscience clear
I want to be absolved
From the horror and fear

I will not be a party
To this devilish deed
So let us consider
And let us take heed

For the sake of your lives
Your families and friends
Let us consider
As we come to the end

Please, let us consider
For the sake of our lives
If we want this sin
On our hands for all time
