Cocaine Abuse

The world was my prison
They treated me like shit
I wanted to escape it all
I needed another hit
The deadly drug
I needed more
Cocaine and I
Were locked in a deadly war
Whoever won
Would earn the right
To live freely
And stalk the night
If I won the battle
The drug would be dead
I would teach others
To avoid this new dread
If Cocaine won
My life would be gone
It would move to another
Someone who's strong
It would break their defenses
Appeal to their dreams
Make them believe
It could bring what they need
The first hit would be marvelous
They're taking a trip
But if they continue
It'll all end in R.I.P.
I fought the battle
Intending to win
I lost the battle
Now a grave I'm lyin' in
Don't lose the battle
Fight hard as you can
Because this is no ordinary drug
It can kill the strongest man
