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I like being screwed up. It gives me perspective. ~Me


Ah sleep, that elusive bastard. ~Me


I am the resident lunatic! I am! Goddamn it! IIIII AAAAAAAMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!
~Me, replying to a post at a message board


You ever notice that one part of FF8 seems an awful lot like Star Wars? ~Me
What part do you mean? ~Ami
Well, the part where Seifer is interrogating Squall in the desert prison. ~Me
And? ~Ami
Seifer used to be a student of SeeD, then he joins Edea, then he tries to kill all the SeeDs. Kinda like Darth Vader being a Jedi, then joining Sidious, then killing all the Jedi. ~Me
You'd have to have Star Wars on the brain to come up with that..... ~Ami


Ooh! I can feel the abilities!
~Ami, after putting on a pair of Fairy Earrings from FF9


*starts pulling out all her action figures from several different movies and sets up an elaborate scene, pitting X-Men's Wolverine against a neimoidian* Run, Qui-Gon! Sabretooth is after you! ~Me
Oh dear God. ~Becky


FeEl My NeWbIe WrAtH!!! ~Reyana


Oh by the way, I was in a car accident. ~Aurora
Are you dead? ~Me


Red and I have already 'made plans' to send a dead rat to her in the mail. ~Me
*chuckles* ~Mouse
We also considered sending her tupperware full of angry bees. We'd glue the lid to the top of the box, so when she opens the box, she lets loose the angry bees. ~Me
You guys are such amateurs. I am the queen of Bitch Plots. ~Mouse
I thought the angry bee thing was pretty original. ~Me


Sometimes I wish I were dumb. Then I wouldn't know any better. ~Me


I have to mess with this site first. ~Red
What site? Is it a popup? Cuz I hate popups. *spoken in a low growly voice that threatens violence to any and all popups* ~Me


Cutting heads off other people's ponies is where I draw the line. ~Me


Dealing with stupid people dumbens me for a few hours. ~Me


I'm eating Frosted Mini Wheats and waiting for the mail. ~Me
LOL ~Red
What? That's actually what I'm doing! ~Me
Hehe, I'm sure it is. It just sounds strange. ~Red
Of course it does. Anything associated with me is strange. ~Me


Let's go to the darkroom and have mild wonkey sex!!! ~Me


Artificial banana! ~Me


Turkish! ~Me


I have an ego. Is that okay? ~Me
Yeah. Everyone has an ego. ~Jessi


It's so phallic!!!!!
~Me, while eating a frozen chocolate-covered banana.


You better watch it. I'll beat your ass. ~Jessi
*silent for a moment* I love you. ~Me
That won't work this time. ~Jessi
*silent again* You're pretty. ~Me
Ok, now you're REALLY reaching... ~Jessi


DrkJediGrrl: Have come up with a new saying.
DrkJediGrrl: *clears throat* Men suck. But sometimes they blow. Rarely are they good at either.
DrkJediGrrl: Thank you. *bows*
ShinmaCatcher: *facepalms*


DrkJediGrrl: *is pleased she was mentioned in Lakota's LJ but worries she may now be hounded by others wishing to see "nekkid Gackt"*
DrkJediGrrl: Tis dangerous to have such tempting pictures.
DrkJediGrrl: I had to hound Jessi for weeks to send them because, swear to God, whenever she remembered to send them, she would go look at them, get caught up in the beauty that is Gackt, and would forget what it was she had to do with them. ("Why am I looking at these again? Oh, who cares? It's Gackt, and he's naked!" *swoon*)
ShinmaCatcher: *cackles*


My stalker's scary. ~Lakota
My stalker's funny. ~Me
I want a funny stalker! ~Lakota
Well, I'd offer to switch but I don't think Rudy would go for it. ~Me


I outlined my perfect man, but my most ideal ATTAINABLE man is one who is unique. As Aurora would say, I want a weirdo. Like Albert. He was very unique. He has a goatee, a lip ring, mussed-up just-woke-up-and-fell-out-of-bed hair, and a slight limp (from a skateboarding accident two years ago). If he wasn't an asshole, he would be perfect. ~Me


Sheri, would you ever get tired of James and sell him to a Russian woman named Sonya? ~Me
No. ~Sheri
Okay. Just checking. ~Me


Yes, we both watch the people of this world much as a child watches ants. We know we could squash them at any second. And their stupidity makes them completely oblivious. *imagines being as large as King Kong and stepping on the badly-dubbed people of Japan* Feel my mighty wrath-ness! Mwahahahaha! ~Me


Yes, that's right. I sooooo agree with myself. *gets giant head and falls over from weight* Um, help? ~Me


I'm a Sith Lord. ~Me
I'm a Bad-Ass Jedi. ~Jessi
Cool. Being evil is fun. I get to kill things. ~Me
You wouldn't kill me, would you? ~Jessi
Yes. ~Me
What?! You would? ~Jessi
Well, if I didn't know you, I would probably kill you. If I did know you, I would think about it first, then kill you. ~Me


Witness my mad skills! ~Greco

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