News and Updates
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Have added many many funny quotes to my Personal Quotes section. Go read and laugh! Laugh, damn you!
I'm going to Utah in a few days for Thanksgiving. What fun. *groan*
Wheeeeeee! Another update! I added some new poetry, re-vamped the Stories section, and posted a new persona drawing in my persona section.
I got a LiveJournal! Yay! I added a link on the main page, so you can go take a peek into my head.
In story news, I've started a LOTR Mary Sue parody, and I'm planning on writing a Harry Potter story starring Oliver Wood. We'll see how that develops!
*huggles all* Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (No, I am not on speed. I am on chocolate.)
Woah! It's been a loooooong time! But it's not my fault. My poor computer got very sick and I just now got it fixed. So, I'm back! Yay!
As for updates, I added some new quotes, did more general maintenance, and got rid of all my free adopted animals and only kept those from the Market.
I hope to post some more stories, and I'm going to make them as smutty as possible. Stupid has decided to delete all their NC-17 stories! So, my Darth Maul story isn't there anymore, but it's still here!
Because of my computer's hiatus, I wasn't able to work on any of my writing, but I will be soon! I have the sequel to my Maul story to write, a Harry Potter story to write, and several others in the works. I also have some new poems I'll be posting. Hope you all enjoy!
Well, I had the birthday. I'm now 19. I don't feel very different, but oh well. I guess we age a lot slower than we think.
I got my mailing list for the other site up and running, so that's one thing I can strike off my Stuff List.
I think it's obvious that I'll never get the time to put up that Bowie Gallery. Rather disappointing, isn't it. Oh well. However, I've acquired a fascination with '80s toys. My Little Ponies in particular. So, who knows? Maybe an MLP page will be coming in the future.
I got some new quotes up on the site and I did just general maintenance of all pages. Deleted unnecessary things, fixed typos, gave the site a general check-up.
Yay! My 19th birthday is in a week and a half! It's on July 8th! Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!
Lucky me, I got in a car accident not too long ago. (Two days ago, to be precise.) I'm not hurt (except my pride), but my car's rear end was smashed up a bit. Not a pretty picture. *groans* Anyways, this means I'm stuck at home unless my mother loans me her car.
I added a Persona Gallery, a few poems to my story section, and a few new quotes to the quotes section.
I have a new Peep for my eeps called Le Peep! Go check it out in my adopted section under Bought Pets!
I'm also starting a mailing list for my other website. It'll be fun! Yay!!!!!!!!
*gets hit by a random pillow*
Woah! O.O Two months since I last updated. Well anyways, I have finally organized my quotes section, so pop on over and check 'em out!
My story Legends of the Sith: Mysterious Sith has been submitted to and has gotten fantastic reviews! I'm writing the sequel at the moment and expect it to be ready to read in a few weeks! Yaaaaaaay!
I'm considering having a journal section where I can rant about whatever. Ranting is good. Maybe I might even rant enough to make the lovely men in white coats come and take me away. *giggle*
BAH! I have to get a job, which I think is mean, but it's the summer so, oh well. More money to buy all de loverly action figures from Ep2 and go see the movie twenty million more times. (I also plan on saving up to buy my very own DVD player and move into a place of my own.) Here's hoping I get hired! *scowls at all the nasty applications and requests for resumes, then whispers to a random person, "What's a resume?"*
Anyhoo, I end this with a command. GO SEE STAR WARS EPISODE II: ATTACK OF THE CLONES!!!!!!!! It was absolutely amazing! I saw it on opening day with my Jar Jar toy with a tongue that sticks out when you squeeze his belly. (The people sitting next to us got a kick out of him.)
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Wow! I jumped from one holiday to the next! Time sure flies when you're going to college.....
As for updates, I had to delete my Adoption Center. I just didn't have time for it and my obsession with the Market. Now I have more free time for my other website, Lepaori Shoal.
Anyhoo, I'm just looooooving the new graphics of my site. *grins*
My Bowie Picture Gallery is coming soon! Just gotta find the time to get it up......
That's it for now! Huggles to all!
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Well, as you can tell, the site has a whole new look! Compliments of Wolfie! Aren't her graphics just wonderful?
School is going great for me, and I'm already about 3 weeks into the semester. Again, I may not be able to update as often as I like because of school, but I won't neglect the site entirely!
Gosh, there are so many changes, I can't tell the old from the new. So, if you want to know what has changed, don't ask me.
Still haven't gotten the Bowie Gallery up, but soon, I promise!!!!! Maybe I'll even have a Bowie-song midi on the page! (Hah! If I ever figure out to put midis on a page, I think I'll look out the window for the flying pigs and hold a pan over my butt to keep the monkeys from flying out.)
Well, enjoy the new look! I know I am!
I have added a Labyrinth Pictures section, and plan on having a Bowie Gallery soon, but I've started spring semester at college, so I'm also busy busy busy with that.
I have added new Adopteds! Very cute!
I have a small section where I am 'selling' or 'auctioning' some pets, but you can only bid or buy if you are a member of The Market.
*sniffle* Tripod has bullied me into deleting half of my site cuz it takes up too much space. So, my Character Bios and Picture pages are gone, and I set all my Bishonen and Bishoujo free.
I have finished construction on my Adopteds section. I've also added three new adoptables at my Adoption Center.
I added a new section, called Contests. Here you can enter some contests or view the winners of previous contests.
Updated the Quotes section.
I have just returned from an excursion to sunny California where I spent a glorious week with my cousin and her fiancee. I apologize for not warning ahead of time. It was kind-of a last minute decision. Anyhoo, on to the updates.
I have some new pets I will be adopting out, but don't have them up yet.
I am remodeling the Adopteds section yet again (sigh) because I'm still not happy with it. I guess I should feel lucky this kind of remodeling is free and requires no expensive contractor. ::glares at the stripped and ugly walls and the stained sheets spread out on the floors of the Adopteds page:: You won't notice anything different on the page because I'm doing all of my construction behind the scenes.
Because of my site re-vamp, for anyone who I have recently adopted from, please be patient with me. The adopteds are being taken care of in a temporary facility until their permanent homes can be built. But I assure you, they will be put up on the site as soon as possible.
I took down the Tribute page. News of my dog has improved. She is alive and well and is enjoying her new life with Tom the vet-tech. Cheers to you, Daisy. As for Ali, I'm just busy trying to help her rid herself of her shedding winter coat. It is a hairy hairy house I live in right now.
I start school on the 28th of January, so please forgive me if the page progresses slowly during that period. College can sometimes be such a pain in the ass.
That's it for now!
I've added a new character to my Character Bios section. Ciel Tierney, the Hogwart's student.
Updated all characters in Character Bios section.
My Adoption Center is up and running! If you would like to adopt from me, go here.
In local updates, I had a very nice Christmas, and hope all of you did too. I got The Wildlife Of Star Wars: A Field Guide. Very awesome book. Plus, I am promised an N64 in mid-January. (My poor Playstation will be shunted aside for awhile.) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! God bless us, everyone! (You may replace the word God with your respective deity.)
Added a small section called A Tribute. I don't know if this will be a permanent section as a tribute to a different person every week/month, or if it will just be up for now.
I will possibly be changing the links section. I don't really like the layout of it. However, because of the holidays and all, I think it will wait until the new year. Happy Holidays!
I have updated each and every section! New pets! Character updates! And I'll soon have up my own adoption section, so you can take home a few critters of your own! Keep coming back to see what else is new!
Added to Quotes section.
My Hisokani, Kishamoo grew! Go see him!
I've adopted more pets, so expect another construction zone soon in the Adoptions section.
Also, I'm working on some new additions to the site. Possibly a contest! Keep visiting!
Finished Adoptions section! Go check it out!
Moved from Geocities to Tripod.
Added to Adoptions section.
It's finally done! I have finished my site! Check this page often to see updates.
New site, under heavy construction.